Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Wassmer Running for Adrian City Commissioner

Hi everybody.
I want to announce my candidacy for Adrian City Commissioner to the members and readers of this blog so you can support my campaign if you feel inclined to do so.
I am running with the following slogan:
Healthy Planet = Healthy People!
The Primary will be on Tuesday, August 8, 2017, and the Election on Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Find out more about my goals and background at:
On my site, you can download my flyer in PDF format, print it double-sided, cut it into 3 flyers, and help me spread the word. As there are 3 vacancies, every citizen of the City of Adrian will have 3 votes. Thank you in advance!

If anybody wants to meet me fact-to-face, I will be in the Adrian City Library on the July and August 1st Fridays 6-8pm, and the Candidates Forum organized by the NAACP on July, 18 at 7:00 pm at the Weber Center on the campus of the Adrian Dominican Sisters.

Edit 8/21/17
Unfortunately, I did not get into the November election. I received 314 votes and I appreciate your support very much but I came in only 7th out of 8. I think this has several reasons: first, many people did not know me despite my frequent appearances at environmental and social events and their reporting in the Daily Telegram, my Environmental Documentary Series at Siena Heights University, my organizing of the Issa Endowment Speaker Series at Siena Heights University, my Letters To The Editor of the Daily Telegram, and my campaigning. I admit I could have hit the pavement more and show up at social gatherings - and attract followers with incentives like free ice cream - but that is not the sole reason of my shortcoming. Unfortunately, the environment is still not on top of many people's radar despite the urgency to deal with Climate Change, Biological and Chemical Pollution, and Habitat Destruction, which will make everybody's lives very challenging in the not so far future. A third reason for my insufficient performance is the fact that I was not born and raised in Lenawee County, not even in Michigan or the US and some people perceived me as an outsider from another country. I think that this should have been an advantage as I could have contributed a different and new perspective to Adrian's challenges and path into the future - but the majority of the 1706 voters seemed to have preferred more of the same old... 
I am not sure if I will run for a political office again but I will definitely not stop being an environmental activist and educator.