Thursday, June 27, 2013

Armed with the Facts: Natural Gas and Air Pollution

Same thing also in the flares and just leaking from the drill sites of oil drilling and processing sites!

Armed with the Facts: Natural Gas and Air Pollution: A fact sheet on the air pollution generated from natural gas development.


  1. Tom Wassmer

    I thought they were gonna sell the gas. Why are they burning it off?

    1. You are right! It is a waste - and an unnecessary air pollution. The do it because it costs them too much money to have everything in place to capture, store, and transport the gas when they drill for oil. Besides, the incentive to harvest the gas is very low because prices for natural gas are at a low. As nobody can ask energy companies to invest money upfront for a resource that they cannot make a killer profit with, the Michigan DEQ allows oil companies to flare off and effectively waste the gas for up to 6 months - and by doing that pollute our air with BTEXs and other bad stuff.

