Sunday, August 6, 2017

Drilling continues in Heritage Park: Flare and open pit with toxic sludge

Drilling started again about a week ago and continues since then. Today a notorious flare appeared that burns very inefficient exposing wildlife and recreationists with toxic fumes containing VOC (volatile organic compounds).

On the below video you can see how little of the flame actually burns and how much is escaping into the air.

On the last video, you see once more the flare and next to it the open pit with a substantial amount of drilling sludge containing many toxic compounds that are bound to be buried as soon as drilling concludes.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Monday, July 24, 2017

Toxic and cancerous coal tar sealant applied near River Raisin

Raisin Township is putting tar sealant on Howell Highway and other newly resurfaced roads. Coal tar is "The number one" carcinogen for non smokers and is accumulated in waterbodies. Really good timing again with the River Raisin "cleanup". Maybe instead of removing valuable bank vegetation the cleanup crews should prevent this toxic pollution and travel to the Lenawee CAFOs that are responsible for high coliform bacteria counts and phosphorus runoff that cause harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Drilling in Heritage Park Continues

The new drilling in Heritage Park does not involve hydraulic fracturing but falls under the category of  horizontal drilling.

This process consumes much less water but still produces substantial amounts of drilling fluids that mix with outflowing brine and is first captured in an open pit that is laid out with a heavy plastic tarp. Almost every hour, a brine truck needs to pump the fluids out of the pit and drives it to one of Savoy's 3 injection wells, where the poisonous mix is pumped into the ground.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Drilling in Substantially Enlarged Area in Heritage Park

There was a rumor about Savoy moving the oil well in Heritage Park to a new location. This is now happening. The fenced-in area was dramatically enlarged - it is now probably twice the size as before.

There are lots of trucks and temp drilling staff, and a large drilling rig. There are also two of these notorious blue water / drilling fluid containers that I saw at many drilling sites that are "fracking".

I hope that is not the plan for the Heritage Park site as this would mean that Savoy would pump millions of gallons of good drinking water, mixed with highly toxic drilling fluids down into the ground, apply high pressure and hydraulically fracture (frack) the shale formations to release the trapped oil and gas.
I find it highly inappropriate of the City of Adrian that the public was not informed about Savoy's plans to enlarge the drilling site and possibly involve hydraulic fracturing into the oil and gas extraction process and that there was no public forum for people to voice their concerns. Savoy's current expansion seriously impairs the value of Heritage Park for recreation, which the City is obliged to provide due to the nature of the Fee Estate Trust, which pays substantially for Adrian's parks. What is worse are the dangers for the environmental health of Adrian's largest - and in terms of natural resources - most precious park, and the dangers for people due to soil, water and air pollution that occur with any oil drilling but particularly with "Fracking".