Letter to the Editor: Extremely one-sided journalism in Rover pipeline article
(Daily Telegram, Front page 5/11/2017)
Your staff writer Lonnie Huhman seems to be not interested
to write a balanced and well informed article. Besides stating the facts about
the progress and schedule of the pipeline construction his article reads as a
propaganda piece from the PR department of Energy Transfer, who are behind the ROVER
pipeline. There was nothing about the shocking list of recent leaks and spills
during the pipeline construction in Ohio (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2017/05/10/pipeline-shut-down-after-18-leaks-and-a-2-million-gallon-spill-of-drilling-materials/).
There was no word about the brave communities and property owners in Ohio and
Michigan, who did not just give in when their municipalities and private
property were hijacked under the false pretenses of public interest (eminent
domain) but instead stood up against the goliath of corporate corruption and irresponsibility
Unfortunately, our local governments city – and county - were once more gutless
and gave in to the false promises of economic benefits and trade unions
fighting for a couple of temporary jobs that are mostly given to temp workers
hired nationally and rarely locally. This is not new – Lenawee County and the
City of Adrian are also quiet enablers of the massive factory farms or CAFOs in
our county that pollute our River Raisin and contribute to Lake Erie’s algal
blooms – all for the mighty dollar (http://www.toledoblade.com/local/2017/05/02/Tour-of-CAFO-sites-prompts-debate.html).
And finally, and probably most seriously, the
article also missed any reflection that the construction of distribution
channels for fracked natural gas from PA, OH and WV (with its known groundwater
pollution, http://adrianoil.blogspot.com/2014/11/why-et-rover-pipeline-should-not-be.html)
called ROVER and NEXUS, is highly immoral and unethical in view of man-made
climate change that destroys the livelihood of millions of people by droughts,
melting ice, and flooding, leading to massive migrations that threaten world
peace. Business as usual for energy companies such as Energy Transfer in such
times becomes truly a crime against humanity, especially as we have the
technology at hand today to go to 100% clean renewables like sun, wind and
water (http://thesolutionsproject.org/).
I hope for a more balanced and truly informed journalism in Mr. Huhman’s next