Saturday, April 19, 2014

Air Pollution and Odor Nuisance Continues

How could I believe that Savoy would be done polluting our air when they finally started marketing natural gas from the 7 wells attached to Witt Farm? I received notice of one massive incidence of gas odor and personally reported two other incidents yesterday (April 18) and the day before yesterday (April 17). Kristie Shimko (DEQ) looked into the causes for the April 17 complaint and reported that Savoy is redrilling the Witt Farm well and diverted the  natural gas to the flare. Yesterday (April 18) Savoy reported to have problems with their equipment. The flare did not seem to burn but the odor on Howell Hwy was horrible. Seems that lots of gas escaped their permitted dehydrator and compressor - and I guess that is OK...
Not really - but I wonder how much negligence has to be proven to an almighty energy company for the state to be able to fine them for their wrong-doing. My gut feeling is that the DEQ cannot do anything about it - Savoy could report to have problems forever and get away with it. This is absurd and unknown in most parts of the civilized world but not here in the State of Michigan, and The Land of the Free that should rather be called The Land of the free Corporations.


  1. The state of Michigan is terribly negligent when it comes to enforcing any kind of law against the oil companies.

  2. Mr. Hannah, that is the understatement of the year! It's not just negligent, it's criminal! Citizens pay the employees of State Government to uniformly enforce laws on the books, but that is NOT what happens. Politicians who are elected by Special Interest $$ interfer and either Conspire with or coerce Department Management to turn a blind eye when their corrupt Ma$ter'$ business interests pollute.
