Sunday, September 15, 2013

UM-Fracking Study: Hydraulic Fracturing - Technical Reports and Integrated Assessment Comments

I just submitted the following comment:

In short: Fracking is unnecessary risk taking for short term profiteers neglecting once more the precautionary principle that we humans owe to the other creatures of this planet (and to our own species).

Renewable energy from wind and the sun is doable now, especially if only 10% of the resources pumped into oil and gas exploration and bio fuels would go to the only long-term sustainable energy sources. Depending on the political will, all energy needs of 7 billion people on this planet could be satisfied in 5-30 years (research by Mark Z. Jacobson and Mark A. Delucchi, Stanford). There is absolutely no reason to take the high risks of fracking in the name of energy safety. There is evidence of massive air pollution (Colborn T, Schultz K, Herrick L, and Kwiatkowski C. 2012 (in press), HOWARTH, R., R. SANTORO, AND A. INGRAFFEA. 2012. Venting and leaking of methane from shale gas development: response to Cathles et al. Climatic Change 113:537-549.). An exploratory study of air quality near natural gas operations. Hum Ecol Risk Assess. ), and water pollution (BAMBERGER, M., AND R. E. OSWALD. 2012. Impacts of gas drilling on human and animal health. New Solut 22:51-77., PERRY, S. L. 2012. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS AND CASE STUDIES: Addressing the Societal Costs of Unconventional Oil and Gas Exploration and Production: A Framework for Evaluating Short-Term, Future, and Cumulative Risks and Uncertainties of Hydrofracking. Environmental Practice 14:352-365.) in operations recovering shale oil and gas. If need be under the current political situation with low momentum to fully switch to renewable energy from wind and sun, there is enough oil and gas from conventional drilling operations that are less risky and use much better established technology. The only reasons why this no-brainer may not go forward is the protectionism of the powerful oil and gas lobby - there is not real valid argument against such a policy change!


  1. Tom, the company that is drilling in Lenawee co does NOT frack. So stop bring so concerned about something they are not doing!

  2. Dear Anonymous,
    1.) This site is not only about Lenawee county.
    2.) Lately there are these big blue boxy containers around that are used to store fracking water in real fracking operations. These use hundreds of container per drill whereas I saw only 2 or three on some drill sites around Adrian. However, seems that Savoy is assisting the flow of oil by slightly fracturing the shale above oil deposits in some wells. I could be wrong on this though...
    3.) Even if Savoy does not frack today, they might do later - or sell the wells to a specialized company that does.
    4.) Dear Anonymous, please be so kind to check your posts for spelling and grammar before submitting.

    Thanks, Tom

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  4. The big blue boxy containers are for storing water for use during the well completion process. They store more water than is actually used. The water serves the same purpose as drilling "mud" (also water)--pressure control. Water that isn't used is sent to a disposal well as is the water that is recovered during the brief flow test of the well. All the wells access the oil reservoir 100 feet or more below the overlying shale. There is no benefit to having the shale open to the wellbore, much less the economic incentive (or otherwise) to treat it--especially the considerable cost to frac it.

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