Saturday, January 11, 2014

Occupy The Hollers: Seeking Truth in Shale Gas Advertising

The WV grassroots group Occupy The Hollers ( posted the below video on YouTube that clarifies the false advertisement and lies in the continuously broadcasted TV commercials of the oil and gas industry:


  1. This is the sort of irresponsible, fear mongering that does no one any good. There are so many factually incorrect statements and innuendo in that video clip that I am appalled and concerned that you, an educator at a respected University would actually try to pass it along as fact. I hope in the course of teaching your students you actually use real facts and not sensationalism in the classroom.

  2. First of all it would be nice and less cowardly if you would reveal your name - as you are basically attacking my professional integrity knowing who I am but I do not know who you are. This would also enlighten our readers as of how and if you have the knowledge and expertise to make the statements about me deciding to forward the mentioned article and video on my blog.
    To answer your "factual" argument, the grassroot site from WV and their short video is a acceptable and appropriate answer to the absolutely unacceptable and inappropriate TV adds that are used to brainwash our citizens with a "brave new world" mentality that is so far from reality that it is not even funny...
    If the future that big oil and gas corporations have planned for us, a future that seems to be appealing to the likes of you - would only hurt and "punish" the polluters and their supporters, I would rest my case. Unfortunately, every human being on this planet, whether they agree with such a future or not, and every innocent creature will also suffer and pay for other people's "sins". That is the only reason why I am doing what I am doing!

  3. Tom, do not let these people get you down. You are doing a great service for regular citizens of Lenawee County by providing a forum for disseminating information about the dangers of the oil and gas companies practices to human health and the environment. Although you may not always publish my comments because I name names of those that would bully, lie cheat and steal to sieze private property or promote these industries to line their own pockets, I still believe you are providing a valuable service. We cannot relie upon the DEQ or the Lenawee County Health Department to protect us, because of the unfortunate fact that they are subject to Politicians and their $$ Corporate Sponsor's influence. Money is Truely the Root of All Evil.

    ~ Allison MacArthur-Ruesink
