Wednesday, December 7, 2016

New York Times: Donald Trump Picks Scott Pruitt, Ally of Fossil Fuel Industry, to Lead E.P.A. - The New York Times

Meeting Al Gore was just a show. This is the real Trump! Do NOT get your hopes up that this man will not do what he promised to do once he becomes real in the White House - in his actions, we see more and more that we will get what we saw during his campaign...

Donald Trump Picks Scott Pruitt, Ally of Fossil Fuel Industry, to Lead E.P.A.
The New York Times

Mr. Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general, has been a key architect of the legal battle against President Obama’s climate change policies. Read the full story HERE

Global warming is not a joke - and this kind of political reorientation is really dangerous for life on Earth! I predict that if humanity will survive this upcoming presidency, people will look back to this time and ask why nobody saw the writings on the wall. These times demand action from every decent and intelligent person. We cannot allow a psychotic delusional person to destroy overnight what serious diplomacy has reached during many years of international negotiations. The policy of direct non-violent action demands that we will not escalate the struggle so stay tuned - we are part of a world-wide movement and we will stop this insanity!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Liberals present plan to phase out coal-powered electricity by 2030

The federal government is speeding up the plan to phase out coal-fired electricity by 2030 as part of its comprehensive plan to make Canada a leader in green energy. Read the full story HERE