Saturday, January 28, 2017

Sign and send the petition to your Senators: Do NOT confirm any climatedeniers

Climate pollution is causing catastrophic damage to the United States and all over the world  At this late hour, the American people and the world community can no longer tolerate government officials who deny this existential threat. Climate denial is immoral, unethical and constitutes crime against humanity.

For this reason, as you vet the new administration’s appointments, we exhort you to ask the following simple questions of every nominee:
Do you accept the scientific consensus that the climate is changing because of greenhouse gas pollution, predominantly the burning of fossil fuels?

Do you accept the scientific consensus that ocean acidification, sea levels, and extreme weather—including heat waves, droughts, and deluges—are on the rise because of greenhouse gas pollution?

Do you accept the findings of the Pentagon, the CIA and the Department of Defense that climate change threatens U.S. national security?
Any nominee who answers “no” to either of these questions should be rejected out of hand as they belong to the same kind of people who insisted that the world is flat or that the sun revolves around earth.

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