Wednesday, June 1, 2016

CAFO Waste Emissions exceed EPA standards: Memorial Day Wkend 2016 - Monitoring, Reporting, Educating about CAFO Pollution

 Memorial Day Weekend was a toxic one for rural areas of Lenawee County, Michigan. Hydrogen Sulfide Emissions jumped from 1800 ppm to 5870 ppb (Parts per billion) after CAFO waste was spread on adjacent land. This is over 82 times the Acute level of exposure (See image below). Generally, outdoor areas that are not exposed to industrial releases of H2S have airborne concentrations of less than 1 ppb H2S as an ultra-low background level.

Read the full story here:

CAFO Waste Emissions exceed EPA standards: Memorial Day Wkend 2016 - Monitoring, Reporting, Educating about CAFO Pollution


  1. The DEQ is NOT enforcing Clean Air or Clean Water Acts on these protected factory farms...Toledo better brace for another lovely summer of algae blooms and toxins in their drinking water!

  2. Perhaps, we should make this known to the city of Toledo, Ohio.
