Monday, June 5, 2017

Re: Executive Office of the Governor of Michigan

To whom it may concern,

I appreciate the actions taken by Governor Snyder to reduce our state's climate impact but what I was petitioning for goes way beyond this. I asked Governor Snyder to be brave enough to follow the example of 61 US municipalities and 3 states and vow to uphold the Paris climate accord:

I hope that you are considering adding Michigan to this list!

Sincerely, Tom Wassmer

From: Snyder, Rick (GOV) <>
Sent: Monday, June 5, 2017 1:49 PM
To: Snyder, Rick (GOV)
Subject: Executive Office of the Governor

Thank you for your recent correspondence sent to Governor Snyder's office regarding President Trump's decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Accord. As a member of Governor Snyder's staff, I am writing this response on his behalf.

Governor Snyder believes that there are things we can do today that benefit us right now and pay dividends tomorrow, no matter what the future holds. In 2012, Governor Snyder outlined plans for Michigan's energy future in his special message<>, which detailed the need for energy supplies to be reliable, affordable, and environmentally sound. The Governor understood that Michigan needed to determine how we move forward, transitioning from the sources of yesterday to newer, cleaner methods.

In April of 2015, the governor announced a plan designed to increase residential recycling access statewide. He also announced appointments to a nine-member Michigan Recycling Council to guide the plan's implementation. To learn more about residential recycling opportunities in Michigan or see Michigan's plan, go to<,4561,7-135-70153_70155_3585_4130-313206--,00.html>.

Governor Snyder signed landmark legislation on December 31, 2016 reforming Michigan's statewide energy policy. This legislation will make it easier for our state to meet its energy needs while protecting our environment and saving Michiganders millions on their energy bills. Senate Bills 437-438, sponsored by state Sens. Mike Nofs and John Proos, respectively, update Michigan's current laws regarding its energy market, as well as renewable energy and energy waste reduction. The bills also update laws related to utility rate cases and how sufficient energy supplies can be assured while protecting electric choice. Other highlights from the bills include:

* Reducing energy waste by providing incentives for utilities to enhance current programs and meet more of our needs from our cheapest, cleanest resource.
* Ensuring a reliable energy supply by requiring all electric providers to have adequate resources to avoid blackouts/brownouts, using a market-driven approach.
* Allowing regulated utilities to use on-bill financing programs for utility customers, allowing them to finance energy waste reduction projects (like new insulation) through an itemized charge on their utility bills.
* Giving Michigan a cleaner and smarter energy future by requiring utilities to develop a long-term planning process that includes comparing projects to alternatives -- ensuring all Michiganders have reliable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly energy.

Click here<> to watch Governor Snyder talk more about what this legislation means for all Michiganders.

The governor does not have authority over the Paris Climate Accord but is monitoring the situation as it develops. You may consider contacting the White House, your congressional representative or either of the senators representing our state in Washington, D.C. to share your concerns. These contacts may be found below:

Contact the White House:

Contact your U.S. Senator:

Contact your U.S. Representative:

Again, thank you for your correspondence and your interest in this topic. Should you have further questions or comments regarding this or any other state-related matter, please do not hesitate to contact Governor Snyders office again.


Laura Stoken

Constituent Relations

Executive Office of the Governor


Friday, May 12, 2017

Letter to the Editor: Extremely one-sided journalism in Rover pipeline article (Daily Telegram, Front page 5/11/2017)

Letter to the Editor: Extremely one-sided journalism in Rover pipeline article (Daily Telegram, Front page 5/11/2017)

Your staff writer Lonnie Huhman seems to be not interested to write a balanced and well informed article. Besides stating the facts about the progress and schedule of the pipeline construction his article reads as a propaganda piece from the PR department of Energy Transfer, who are behind the ROVER pipeline. There was nothing about the shocking list of recent leaks and spills during the pipeline construction in Ohio ( There was no word about the brave communities and property owners in Ohio and Michigan, who did not just give in when their municipalities and private property were hijacked under the false pretenses of public interest (eminent domain) but instead stood up against the goliath of corporate corruption and irresponsibility ( Unfortunately, our local governments city – and county - were once more gutless and gave in to the false promises of economic benefits and trade unions fighting for a couple of temporary jobs that are mostly given to temp workers hired nationally and rarely locally. This is not new – Lenawee County and the City of Adrian are also quiet enablers of the massive factory farms or CAFOs in our county that pollute our River Raisin and contribute to Lake Erie’s algal blooms – all for the mighty dollar (
And finally, and probably most seriously, the article also missed any reflection that the construction of distribution channels for fracked natural gas from PA, OH and WV (with its known groundwater pollution, called ROVER and NEXUS, is highly immoral and unethical in view of man-made climate change that destroys the livelihood of millions of people by droughts, melting ice, and flooding, leading to massive migrations that threaten world peace. Business as usual for energy companies such as Energy Transfer in such times becomes truly a crime against humanity, especially as we have the technology at hand today to go to 100% clean renewables like sun, wind and water ( I hope for a more balanced and truly informed journalism in Mr. Huhman’s next article.